NGO / Other Organisation Registration

Register yourself to claim your certificate for participating in celebrating the International Democracy Day 2024.

NGO / Other Organisation Details

Registered Name of the Organisation *

Street Address *

District *

Pincode *

Contact Person Name *

Email ID *

Phone Number *

Participation Details

Approximate No. of Participants * (In Numbers)

Human Chain Participation

Event Volunteer

Planting Sapling

Others (Please Specify If Any)

Additional Information

Briefly describe your Organisation's work *

How does your Organisation align with democratic values? *

NGO / Organisation Registered Successfully!

Dear , We have received your request. is your Registration ID. Thank you for your interest on us. You will receive further updates in your registered Email ID & Phone Number. Thank You. Social Welfare Department, Govt. of Karnataka .




Kilometers of
Human Chain Covered


Overall Number of
Participants Participated


Participants Participated
Per Kilometer

Frequently Asked Questions

We have answered most of your questions about participation, initiative, etc.

Do I get any acknowledgement for participating in the initiative?

Everybody participated in the Human Chain will be eligible for an appreciation certificate from the Government of Karnataka. The certificate has a provision to embed the photograph of the participant(s), which can be a lifetime memory for the participants. In one photo frame, up to 5 members can be there, thus providing an opportunity for families to stand together, take a picture, upload it, and get it embedded in the certificate, which can be a precious memento.