About The Event

We aimed to promote the democratic values by encouraging citizens to participate in forming the world's longest human chain.

about the event

The World's longest Human Chain, a powerful symbol of equality, unity, fraternity, and participative governance.

The government of Karnataka organized an event to mark the day in association with civil society. As a mark of Karnataka's continued commitment towards democratic principles and a thriving democracy, a massive human chain was formed across the entire state from Bidar to Chamarajanagar, covering all 31 districts. In a length of 2,500 km, the longest in the history of the World. A total number of 25 lakh+ people was participated, with an average of more than 1000 people every kilometre.

The participants of the human chain had not only displayed banners and posters on democracy underlining the concept of liberty and freedom of expression but also remind us of our fundamental duties, like protecting our environment. During the event, it was also planted ten lakh saplings across the state by those participated in the Human chain.




Kilometers of
Human Chain Covered


Overall Number of
Participants Participated


Participants Participated
Per Kilometer

Frequently Asked Questions

We have answered most of your questions about participation, initiative, etc.

Do I get any acknowledgement for participating in the initiative?

Everybody participated in the Human Chain will be eligible for an appreciation certificate from the Government of Karnataka. The certificate has a provision to embed the photograph of the participant(s), which can be a lifetime memory for the participants. In one photo frame, up to 5 members can be there, thus providing an opportunity for families to stand together, take a picture, upload it, and get it embedded in the certificate, which can be a precious memento.